5 Things That Happen to the Body During Sleep Deprivation

According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), lack of sleep can reduce sex drive in adults, weaken the immune system, cause thinking problems, and cause weight gain.

Sleep deprivation is also said to increase the risk of cancer, diabetes, and even accidents when driving, you know. Based on data from AASM, about 1 in 3 adults in America have chaotic hours of sleep and they are not quite asleep and satisfied.

What are the things that happen to the body if you don't get enough sleep? The following include, quoted from Health Line.

1. Easy to forget
Not sleeping overnight does not only make you a more forgetful person, based on a study, not sleeping overnight has an impact on learning and memory in the brain.

Researchers concluded that sleep is very important for the process of consolidating things that humans learn in the brain. In other words, we need proper rest to lock in new information and put it in memory.

2. Can not think
Skipping one night to sleep can cause several cognitive problems (thinking). In a study published by Experimental Brain Research, a group of 18 men were given the task to do it to completion.

The first task was done after sleeping all night. The next task was done after not sleeping all night. Brain functions, including memory, decision making, reasoning, and problem solving, will deteriorate, along with functions to react and be alert.

3. Libido decreases
Not getting enough sleep can reduce sex drive in adults. One study, young men who did not get quality sleep during a one-week period showed a decrease in testosterone levels.

Sleeping 5 hours or less can reduce sex hormone levels by 10 to 15 percent. The men involved in the research also reported that their moods and strength, as a whole, dropped dramatically every night in a row.

4. Skin is not fresh

In one study, a group of people aged between 30 and 50 years were evaluated based on their sleep habits and their skin condition.
The study shows, those who lack sleep will have fine wrinkles, fine lines on the face, uneven skin tone, and loose skin. People who lack sleep also tend to be dissatisfied with their appearance, rather than their peers who have enough rest.

5. Increased weight
A study examined the relationship between sleep and weight in 21,469 adults over the age of 20 years. People who sleep less than 5 hours, every night during a three-year study, are more likely to gain weight and eventually become fat. While those who slept between 7 and 8 hours, fared better than those who lack sleep.

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