Sleeping 8 Hours Can Burn Calories Equivalent to Jogging for One Hour!

Not only when on the move, even while sleeping, the cells in the body and brain work hard and that also causes burning of calories. When sleeping, the body is still quite active even when you don't realize it.

During sleep, the body actually speeds up cell repair and brain cell growth when processing and removing the useless information that you collect throughout the day.

The number of calories burned during sleep depends on your weight, sleep duration and body temperature.

"The average person burns about 0.42 calories per hour per pound (0.4 kg) of body weight when they sleep. So, multiply your body weight in pounds by the number of hours you sleep," said Nutritionist, Cathy Posey, RD, quoted from Rider's Digest.

So, if you weigh around 155 pounds or about 70 kg and sleep for eight hours, then the number of calories burned is around 520. This amount is roughly equivalent to calories burned when jogging for one hour.

It's just that, don't think that sleep can replace the function of exercise. After all, the number of calories is still too little when compared to the number of calories you can burn when you move for 8 hours.

Of course, don't try to increase calorie burning by sleeping more. Because, people who sleep more than eight hours may be at higher risk for health problems such as stroke, diabetes and other serious conditions.

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