9 Natural Dry Cough Medicines

9 Natural Dry Cough Medicines
Image from Pixabay.com
Dry cough can make someone feel uncomfortable. This condition can be caused by dry air, irritation, smoking, and flu. Then what are the dry stone medications that can be taken?

Dry stone is a type of cough that does not produce phlegm or phlegm. Generally, a dry cough will disappear within three weeks. However, this condition is getting worse at night and becomes very uncomfortable, especially if this happens to children.

Dry cough medicine for children and dry cough medicine for adults can be made traditionally. This natural dry cough medicine also has no side effects. Anything?

Here are some natural ingredients that can be used as a dry cough medicine.

1. Salt water

Salt water is a natural dry cough medicine. You can gargle with salt water. Although it looks simple, but this method can help relieve itching in the throat.

You can mix 1/2 teaspoon salt with 1 cup of warm water. This salt water mixture can be given to children over six years.

2. Honey

Honey is said to contain anti-bacterial substances that can help reduce dry cough. Dry cough medicine derived from bees can also help overcome a sore throat.

Honey mixed with tea or warm water plus lemon can help reduce a dry cough. Of course, this can be a powerful adult dry cough medicine.

3. Mix of Flaxseed, Honey and Lemon

If you already feel a bad throat or a dry cough, don't take medication immediately. You can try the traditional, natural way.

Boil flaxseed in water and mix it with honey and lemon which acts as a mild antibiotic.

To be more complete. You can boil 2 tablespoons of flaxseed or flaxseed with 1 cup of water until thick. Strain and add 3 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Take 1 tablespoon of this natural medicine mixture to reduce cough. Dry cough medicine for children is also safe.

4. Water

When you have a cold or cough, you need to drink enough water. Adequate fluid intake serves to reduce the buildup of mucus, keep the throat moist, and help reduce irritation.

5. Garlic

Garlic has a sharp aroma and a bitter taste. But raw garlic has a myriad of benefits, one of which is as a dry cough medicine for children or even a dry cough medicine for pregnant women.

Garlic contains allicin compounds which are known to kill microorganisms that cause respiratory infections such as dry cough and itchy throat.

6. Ginger Tea

Ginger can provide a warm effect not only on the body but also the throat. Drinking tea mixed with ginger juice can fight infections due to itching in the throat. The benefits of ginger are anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

7. Kaempferia galanga

If you cough, chew on a peeled and washed kaempferia galanga. Chew 2 Kaempferia galanga until smooth and swallowed. This you can do one to two times a day while coughing.

It doesn't taste good, but this natural dry cough medicine is considered very effective.

8. Pineapple

Pineapple can be used as a natural remedy that can relieve dry cough. Bromelain substances present in pineapple can expedite the respiratory tract and reduce dry cough.

9. Food with Warm Soup

So that the itchy throat when a dry cough does not get worse. Adults or children need to eat warm soup. Chicken soup or meat soup made with a mixture of broth and vegetables can make the immune system improve.

Warm soup foods can be the most effective dry cough medicine and make the body more healthy.

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