List of Foods That Cause Cholesterol

List of Foods That Cause Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a component of fat that plays an important role in keeping body cells and tissues functioning. However, the amount must not exceed the normal limit of cholesterol in the body.

You are advised to maintain consumption of cholesterol obtained from food with an amount of no more than 200 mg per day. If cholesterol levels in the body are too high, it can increase the risk of serious illness, such as heart disease, stroke, and obesity.

Know the Benefits of Cholesterol

Cholesterol is produced by the liver and is divided into several types, namely good cholesterol (HDL), triglycerides, and bad cholesterol (LDL). Someone is said to have normal cholesterol levels if the amount of HDL is more than 60mg / dL, triglycerides are less than 150 mg / dL, and LDL is less than 100 mg / dL.

Cholesterol plays an important role in the body's metabolic processes. In addition, cholesterol also helps the body in the process of producing bile, vitamin D, and several types of hormones, such as cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone.

List of Foods That Cause Cholesterol

Besides being produced by the liver, cholesterol can also be found in food. The following are some types of cholesterol-causing foods that need to be limited consumption:

1. Fast food

Fast food, such as hamburgers and pizza, contains 85-180 mg of cholesterol in one portion. Not to mention if you add soda and fries that are usually consumed together. You are recommended to limit consumption of fast food and replace soft drinks with water to prevent high cholesterol.

2. Ice cream

One cup of ice cream contains more cholesterol than a burger and donuts. Instead of eating ice cream as a dessert, you better replace it with a bowl of fresh fruit that is rich in fiber and nutrients, and low in calories. Fruit is also a good food to reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

3. Steak

Beef steak is one of the foods that contain lots of cholesterol. Even though it's high in cholesterol and saturated fat, it doesn't mean you can't eat beef steak at all. If you want to eat steak, choose lean meat with lower cholesterol levels, such as the cow's stomach (beef flank). In a piece of lean beef, it contains about 300 mg of cholesterol. You can also replace beef with lamb with a lower cholesterol content, which is around 100 - 150 mg.

4. Eggs

Eggs can be a source of healthy protein as long as they are not consumed excessively every day. If you already consume eggs as a breakfast menu, you are advised to avoid consuming other sources of cholesterol, such as offal and fatty meat, as a lunch menu. People with high cholesterol are still allowed to consume 4-6 eggs per week.

5. Seafood

Some types of seafood, such as lobster, are foods that cause high cholesterol. In every 100 grams of lobster contained about 70 mg of cholesterol. To reduce cholesterol intake, choose other seafood, such as fish, and best if the seafood is by boiling or steaming rather than fried.

6. Offal

The innards or parts of the contents of the stomach and animal organs, such as the intestine, tripe, or brain, contain more cholesterol than the meat. This part also contains a lot of uric acid. Therefore, you should limit or even avoid the consumption of offal, especially for those of you who suffer from high cholesterol and gout.

7. Duck meat

Duck meat is one of the foods with higher cholesterol content than chicken meat. In 100 gr duck meat, at least 80 mg of cholesterol. Meanwhile, chicken with the same portion only contains about 60 mg of cholesterol alone. You are advised to remove the skin when processing duck meat to reduce cholesterol levels.

8. Cheese and milk

Cheese and milk are foods that have high fat and cholesterol content. You can still consume milk and cheese if you have high cholesterol, but you should choose cheese and low-fat milk.

By knowing the various types of foods that cause high cholesterol, it does not mean you have to avoid all of the above foods. You are expected to be more selective and careful in choosing and consuming food. To prevent high cholesterol, balance it also with fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

In addition, do not forget to also check cholesterol levels and undergo regular health checks to the doctor, especially if you suffer from high cholesterol in order to avoid the risk of other diseases due to high cholesterol in the body.

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