5 Types of Sports that are Safe and Beneficial for Asthmatics

 5 Types of Sports that are Safe and Beneficial for Asthmatics

Asthma is a disorder that occurs in the respiratory tract. People with this condition will experience shortness of breath accompanied by sounds due to constriction and inflammation of the airways.

Reporting from the official WHO website, the symptoms of this disease can occur repeatedly in a day and can even become worse when carrying out physical activity or at night. However, some experts still recommend doing sports.

Asthma patients who still want to exercise should ensure that asthma remains well controlled and choose a variety of activities carefully. So what sports are recommended for asthmatics?

1. Walking

There is a study stating that adults who walk three times a week for 12 weeks can control the occurrence of an asthma attack. On the other hand his fitness increased. A moderate to fast pace is the best way to exercise for asthmatics.

2. Yoga

Other physical activities that can be carried out by people with asthma is to do a series of Yoga movements. This physical activity focuses on body movements which are useful for strengthening muscles and also breathing so that it helps asthmatics.

This is breath control. Breathing exercises can activate more lung areas. Those who practice yoga for 10 weeks can help reduce their asthma. Not only do yoga, the same benefits are also offered from Tai Chi, a martial art that also emphasizes the respiratory system.

3. Swimming

Swimming is one type of exercise that is recommended for asthmatics. This exercise can help asthmatics to practice breathing. The ideal exercise for asthmatics is swimming because you breathe in very humid and warm air.

However, people with asthma must remain careful with chlorine content, if overexposed can trigger asthma attacks. To ensure that you can smell pool water first, if it is too smelly it contains a lot of chlorine gas.

4. Tennis and badminton

Racquet sports such as playing tennis and badminton can help to release energy on the field by controlling the speed of the game. The source of your game activity can be even less intense if you do this sport in a double manner with a partner.

5. Volleyball

Volleyball is a sport that doesn't involve much movement because it is a team sport. Thus, the energy from asthma sufferers is not over-emphasized. Therefore this exercise is quite safe for asthmatics.

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