This is what happens to the body when someone has insomnia
Minggu, 19 Agustus 2018
Sleep disturbances such as insomnia today can be said to be a problem that infects many people, ranging from adulthood to adolescence. According to a recent study, 90 percent of people who experience insomnia have health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and also heart failure.
Not only that, often experiencing insomnia or difficulty sleeping also has more dangerous side effects felt by the body. As quoted from Bright Side, here are other potential disorders that can have a negative impact on the body. What are they?
Vulnerable to accidents
Sleep deprivation can endanger yourself, especially on the road. Fatigue can cause the body's reaction to be very slow and this is the same as drunk driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drowsiness resulted in around 100,000 car accidents and around 7,000 deaths related to car accidents.
In fact, lack of sleep can also cause accidents and injuries at work. Research has shown that people who don't get enough sleep experience more accidents at work than those who don't, and many of those accidents occur repeatedly.
The cognitive process is slower
Sleep has an important role in thinking, processing, and learning. Fatigue due to lack of sleep can significantly slow down this process.
This can damage concentration, alertness, reasoning, and problem solving, both at work and at school. In addition, lack of sleep will also make you tend to forget what you have experienced.
Mental health problems
Sleep deprivation can cause symptoms of depression. A study found that people who slept less than 6 hours a night were diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Furthermore, why insomnia is strongly associated with depression, because the same study has shown that people affected by insomnia can be 5 times more likely to develop depressive symptoms than people who are not affected by insomnia.
Depression and insomnia have created a vicious circle because they are interrelated. Yes, depression causes insomnia. On the other hand, if someone is able to treat insomnia then they will be able to treat depression as well.