3 Herbal Remedies for Stroke

 3 Herbal Remedies for Stroke

Stroke is a condition that occurs when blood supply to the brain is disrupted or reduced due to a blockage (ischemic stroke) or rupture of blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke). Without blood, the brain will not get oxygen and nutrition, so cells in some areas of the brain will die.

When a part of the brain dies, parts of the body that are controlled by areas of the brain that are damaged cannot function properly. Stroke is a medical emergency because brain cells can die in just minutes. Rapid treatment can minimize brain damage and the possibility of complications.

Medical treatment for stroke patients must be started as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is started, the more permanent damage can be prevented. Actually the goal of the most effective stroke treatment is to prevent long-term disability, and be able to save lives.

Herbal Remedies for Stroke

In addition to therapy and medical drugs, many people also look at herbal stroke medicine as an addition or complement in post-stroke healing. However, most of these natural ingredients do not yet have enough clinical research evidence to replace existing medical treatments.

But if you are interested in these alternative treatments, here are some herbs that are considered herbal remedies for stroke:

1. Garlic

A study that revealed, consumption of garlic is very beneficial in dilating blood vessels, so as to prevent ischemic stroke. One type of stroke that occurs due to blood clots that block the blood vessels of the brain. Not only is it useful in preventing ischemic strokes, garlic is also good in dealing with a variety of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure.

2. Turmeric

Based on a study, turmeric is useful in reducing cholesterol levels, and helps prevent clogging in arteries. Then other research revealed, turmeric affects the mechanism that protects and helps the regeneration of brain cells after a stroke. Unfortunately, further studies are needed to prove the efficacy of turmeric as a herbal stroke medicine. Therefore, a doctor's supervision is needed if you consume turmeric as a herbal stroke medicine.

3. Ginseng

Ginseng is arguably an herbal remedy that has many benefits for treating illnesses, including stroke. There are studies that have found that the benefits of ginseng are very good in helping to improve memory in people with mild dementia due to stroke.

Not only that, other studies have also shown that injecting Siberian ginseng through intravenously can help treat strokes caused by blockage of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. But of course this should not be done haphazardly, because it can be dangerous if not under the supervision of a doctor.

Although often referred to as a herbal stroke medicine, it is important to know that until now, ingredients such as garlic, turmeric, and ginseng still need further research. For that, do not forget the medical treatment given by the doctor.

Some herbal medicinal ingredients may contain active substances that can trigger side effects, both when consumed alone or together with medical drugs, supplements or other herbal medicines. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a doctor first if you want to use herbal stroke medicine as one of the solutions to post-stroke therapy.

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