6 Important Traveling Tips For People With Diabetes

6 Important Traveling Tips For People With Diabetes

Traveling is a very fun thing. Including for you, diabetics. Besides being able to open new insights, you have the opportunity to try many things. Ranging from exciting tourist attractions to delicious culinary.

But keep in mind, traveling with diabetes is not easy, you know. There are many restrictions and things that must be considered during travel by sufferers. But calm down, here are 6 important tips for traveling for diabetics that you can practice.

Important Traveling Tips For People With Diabetes


1. Drink lots of mineral water

Diabetes occurs because the production of insulin by the pancreas is disrupted. Well, one way to overcome this is to drink lots of mineral water. Because minenral water works because it helps break down blood sugar levels, thus keeping it under control. In addition, the mineral content in your body must be maintained. Do not let the lack of fluids.

2. Stay Active Move

Too much sugar content in the blood can be minimized by physical activity. By moving, the body will burn sugar levels in the blood into energy. But, if you don't want to be complicated, you can choose a tourist destination that relies on physical endurance. For example hiking, swimming or touring around the city with the group.

3. Study the Menu Before Buying

Traveling without culinary hunting is not complete. But remember, not all foods found are safe for your health condition. But calm down, you only need to look for information before buying it. Avoid foods that can trigger an increase in sugar in your blood. Even if there is no menu, you can googling for a moment or ask the seller directly.

4. Available Insulin and Diabetes Medication

The thing that you should never forget when traveling with diabetes is injectable insulin stock. Insulin itself is a hormone in charge of helping process sugar that has been absorbed by the body to become energy. Insulin also plays a role in storing energy reserves which can later be used if someday needed by the body. In addition, you are also required to bring sugar medicine in charge of maintaining blood sugar levels.

5. Arm yourself with healthy snacks

If you have high diabetes, snack consumption is indeed limited. But that does not mean you should not snack, you know. In fact, doctors destroy to eat snacks at certain hours. But, snacks can not just choose yes. Since you need a lot of fiber and nutrients, please bring lots of fruits and vegetables that contain minerals.

6. Install the Food and Drug Alarm

What must be missed during the holidays is time. Whether it's time to eat or take medicine, it's often forgotten. Well, it helps you install an alarm on your smartphone so that all medication and meal schedules are properly recorded. So, you no longer need to remember when you last ate or took medicine.

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